Games and Anime highlights of 2016 (Part 1)

I’m not gonna sugarcoat this, 2016 sucked as a year, just as a year in general. Not specifically animated or gamewise. Just fuck 2016.

So many good people died, tragedies have happened all across the world, USA got Donald Trump as a president and it’s terrifying and just so many things happening this year that it is probably going to go down as a year to be remembered. And not in a good way.

Thankfully though for anime and game fans, we actually had quite a good year and had some really awesome games and anime that I think are worth mentioning.

This is not going to be a Top10 or really a list per se, but just me telling you guys my personal favorite anime and games that have come out this year that I loved.

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The Last Remnant Review (PC ver.)

Every now and then a game will come along that flies under the radar. This is very true in the JRPG world, since it’s not mainstream unless it has Final and Fantasy in the title. A lot of these sleeper hits come from the creators of FF, whether they are still employed by Square Enix or not. Chrono Trigger, Xenogears, Shadow Hearts, Lost Odyssey, all created by Square or former employees and all underground hits. The Last Remnant features the Unlimited Saga team, and will be the next in line to fall under the category of a truly great, unsung hero.

You’d think when you have a game that was released in 2008, you would have finished playing it by now.

But then you finish playing it, and you don’t know what to do with your life anymore.

Which brings me to the game I’m going to talk about, The Last Remnant.

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